An Advocate for Workers. 

Representing California Employees.



California Wage and Hour Litigation. Overtime, minimum wage, and meal and rest break actions.

Wrongful Termination, Retaliation, and Disability Claims. Thinking of going to the EEOC or DFEH? Call me first.


Discrimination, Harassment, & Hostile Work Environment Claims. No, you don’t have to take it anymore.


Labor Union & Government Employee Claims. I can help you navigate your administrative dispute process. 

Misclassification, Commissions, Severance Packages. You keep your word. Make your employer keep theirs.

Wondering if you are exempt from overtime?

Take the quiz!


Who I Am

I have represented hundreds of employees in lawsuits in State and Federal Court, Labor Commissioner Hearings, Union Arbitration, Office of Administrative Hearings Disputes, and a variety of other forums.

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What I Do

Your work is my work. I practice in a variety of employment law areas such as: wage and hour, disability, wrongful termination, discrimination, misclassification, and many others.

Need to talk? Give us a call or send us an email.